Sprout is a beautiful, user-friendly app where users can learn about which plants are best suited for their garden, snap photos of their plants to track progress, and set up a water schedule with reminders, allowing them to nurture their green space.
Phone screen displaying the home page of the gardening app "Sprout" with plants in the background.
With the My Gardens page, users can track their garden progress with coded maps of their gardens. Tap on a garden to see its stats, and tap on a specific plant to check its overall health, harvest date, and more.
Three screens of the app "Sprout" displaying the "My Gardens" page, with maps of the user's garden.
With the Explore page, users can search for new plants by category and filter their search to find exactly the plant they are looking for. They can tap on the plant icon to learn more about it, and to see if it would be a good fit for their garden.
Three screens of the app "Sprout" showing the explore page, with categorized lists of plants, fruits, and more.
With Sprout's intuitive WaterSystem, users can connect their personal garden sprinkler system to the app and automatically water. They can set up reminders and a watering schedule so they'll never forget to water their plants again.
Screen of the app "Sprout" showing the WaterSystem page. A seperate section is to the right showing the font choice, colors, and custom-designed icons.
The font selected for the logo was Honeybee, and the primary font used for the app interface is Alegreya Sans. Alegreya Sans is a font family with a large range of options. As for the color palette, neutral, pastel colors were selected as the images are the main focus of the app. Pink and beige are dominant colors as most of the images are primarily green. A dark green is used for some of the type in order to emphasize the garden theme. A set of custom designed, unique icons were used for the navigation and the sprout icon for the color-coordinated garden map on the My Gardens page. 
Here is the promotional video for Sprout.
In order to develop a gardening app that met user problems such as the struggle to remember when to water plants or knowledge of which plants grow best in a user's specific garden, an extensive creative brief and a user persona was required. This helped me to gain a better understanding of the problem before moving to design the screens in my sketchbook. The thumbnails of the preliminary designs for the screens allowed me to design more efficiently upon moving to Adobe XD. Several iterations of the logo were designed before reaching the final solution.
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